Children's Pamphlets

Rules of Civility By G. Washington

Kids Booklet DIY Kit (choice of clolor)

A Pretty Little Pocketbook - 1767

Adventures of the King of the Beggars - c. 1680

Our Animals Umong Us

The History of Jack and the Giants - c.1690's

The History of Little Goody Two Shoes - 1766

The Ungrateful Bull

Food for the Mind Or a New Riddle Book - 1778

The Polite Academy or School of Behavior - 1768

History of the Bucaniers of America (d.1758)

Useful Instruction for Children (d. 1772)

The New England Primer (c.1770's)

A Present for an Apprentice (d. 1769)

Sunday School Dialogues (d. 1790)

A Bag of Nuts Ready Cracked (c. 1770's)