Misc Pamphlets

The Art of Fencing - 1735
$39.50 - $155.00
$39.50 - $155.00

Directions to Servants - 1745

Two Kissing Women & Other Assorted Works

An Apology for Printers

Everyman His Own Brewer - 1768

The Complete Vermin-Killer - 1777

The Virginia Almanac - 1759

An Essay on the Manner of Writing History - 1746

A Treatise on Buggs - 1730

Everyman His Own Vermin-Killer - 1771

The Art of Tying the Cravat - 1828

The Virtues of British Herbs - 1772

A Treatise on Flogging

A Plan of Improvements of Fire-Arms - 1760's

The True Art of Angling - 1770

Everyman His Own Free-Mason - 1765

New Experiments and Observations on Electricity - 1760

The Gentleman Farmer's Pocket Companion - 1788

The Physician's Vade Mecum - 1781

The Taylor's Complete - 1796

Country-Dancing Made Plain and Easy

The Enormous Abomination of the Hoop-Petticoat

A Treatise on Skating; (d. 1775)

The Court-Gamester: (d. 1722)

An Epitome of Hoyle, (d. 1791)

The Publican's Daily Companion; (d. 1795)

The Way to Wealth by Benjamin Franklin

A Treatise of Hemp-Husbandry